Saturday, February 23, 2013

saturday challenge!

The lovely gal at Artsy Anthropology has challenged bloggers to accept her
dum dA DUM...

Artsy Anthropology

Well, I accept!

1. Say something nice about 2 different people that 

you've met through blogging, shop ownership, etc...

a) Paige from Artsy Anthropology rocks my socks! She is extremely nice and helpful-- I am kind of a blog dummy and she is always patient with my questions!  She is also mad talented at creating bags and other sewing projects.  I am SO in love with the diaper bag she made me-- I tell everyone about it!

b) The owner of Shimmer Polish-- I don't know her personally but by golly... her custom polishes are AWESOME. My cousin and I love ordering special made colors (and naming them after our favorite things!) The owner is so polite and sweet and listens to your wants and needs-- and is full of ideas to make your custom polishes even BETTER.  LOVE this shop.

2. Do something nice for a complete stranger.
No!  Just kidding.
I helped a lady carry a bag to her car even though my own hands were pretty full!

3. Say something good about yourself.
Uh. Uhm. Err. I am extremely generous. I like to buy and make things for people just because and I have a bad habit of giving things away just because someone says they like it.

4. Be thankful for something.
I am thankful for my bad ass new apartment!

5. Treat yourself to something - 
a bubble bath, a coffee without distractions, something - 
just take time out for you.

6. What was the highlight of your week, 
share it with us!
My son has learned how to "fix things" 
and tries to get into his dad's toolbox to be a "big helper"... 
it is pretty damn cute!

Would you like to participate? 
Head over to Artsy Anthropology
and grab the button and post!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! It's always great to pay it forward:)
